
  Design Guide: 2-hour consultation on Site.

350 GBP one-time fee (If you are located outside London zones, please note that an additional travel surcharge will apply.)  

What is included:

  • 15-minute telephone call to understand your scope of work & design instructions.
  • Site review (upto 2 hours on site) to visually understand your needs and how you intend to use your space.
  • Delivering practicable solutions with proposed sketches will allow you to rearrange your space and bring it to your expectations.

Mood Boards, Material Boards, Drawings and 3D Visuals can be generated upon request for an extra fee.

 Interior Styling

Phase 1

450 GBP one-time fee (If you are located outside London zones, please note that an additional travel surcharge will apply.) 

What is included:

  • 15-minute telephone call to understand your scope of work & design instructions.
  • During a site visit, we spend as much time as necessary to understand your needs and how you plan to use your space.
  • Delivering practicable solutions with proposed sketches will allow you to rearrange your space and bring it to your expectations.
  • Mood Boards, Material Boards and sketches are additional fee. The Mood board and Material board will be emailed to the client within four days after the site visit with a follow-up telephone call to explain the concept.

Phase 2 ( Not included in 450 GBP but a discounted per hour rate)

70 GBP per hour fee, (If you are located outside London zones, please note that an additional travel surcharge will apply.)

Following the concept development and agreed-upon design, including colours, textures, materials, and furniture. We will work with you to develop and bring your vision to life. 

What is included:

  • Preparation of detailed quotes from overall project down to the single items.
  • Assistance with buying decisions, be it online or in-store. This will also include potential discounts that we can offer with some furniture stores in London.
  • Further creation and refining of Mood boards and Material boards as needed, at additional charge.
  • We are executing the design on-site and managing sub-contractors from the overall project concept down to the small single details and finishings, in line with the scope of the project.

 Consulting Online: 150 GBP per hour fee

What is included:

  • The service includes a 15-minute telephone call to understand your scope of work and design instructions.
  • To make the most of the consulting session, We request that you send us videos and pictures of all the spaces that need attention at least three days in advance.
  • An email will be sent to the client detailing concepts with sketches and mood boards to help them visualise the potential design. We can also provide you with 2D or 3D drawings upon request (at an additional cost of 70 GBP per hour).
  •  Sketches and mood boards will be emailed to the client before the online consultation, explaining the conceptual design proposal.

 CDM Services 

With Sneha's experience in the CDM industry, she has held roles in design, construction, and client-side positions. Her journey in construction industry began in 2007 at various roles and CDM in 2015, and since then, she has successfully delivered prime projects in London, collaborating with blue-chip developers, industry-leading architects, and contractors.

As a CDM adviser, she can assist you in working by L153. She believes in achieving responsible design and professionalism with less documentation.

Some services offered are: 

1. one-off project review, 

2. hourly rate for reviewing multiple projects in your office, 

3. one-off consultation in person or over the phone, 

4. CPD/training.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any information

 Projects for Non-Profit organisations

We are accepting projects for a non-profitable organisation with a non-profit approach to ensure you keep up the excellent work for the cause you support. 


Sneha offers personalised artwork commissions and affordable art rental options for staging at events. The online shop and Saatchi art page offer a variety of originals, fine art prints, and digital art. Additionally, Sneha designs her own collection of home decor, which can be purchased online .

Keep an eye out for upcoming art classes, which will be offered in-person and online. Remember to subscribe to Implicit Atelier's newsletter for updates on events and new products.

 For any other requests, such as wall murals or personalised artistic ideas, please feel free to get in touch.



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